Welcome, Dr. Dori Kimchy (and our new blog)!

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What better first blog post than a hearty welcome to our newest All Eyes On Rockville team member, Dr. Dori Kimchy! Since opening our doors in the summer of 2014, Dr. Hannah Yecheskel has seen her practice grow thanks to her loyal patients looking for a new experience in eye care. It is with great pride and excitement that we welcome a new Doctor of Optometry to All Eyes On Rockville!

As most of her patients know, Dr. Yecheskel is a proud mother of twin girls. Coincidentally enough, so is Dr. Dori Kimchy! Read more about her below and make an appointment to meet her at our Rockville office, or at the All Eyes On Rockville booth at Rockville Town Square's June 21st Mommy and Me event from 10am to noon.

Dori Kimchy, O.D. specializes in comprehensive eye care and has a broad understanding of ocular diseases. Her skills include primary eye care, pre- and post-operative refractive surgery care including LASIK, pre- and post-operative cataract surgery care, co-management of glaucoma and diabetic and ocular disease eye exams. She has extensive experience with contact lenses, including specially fits, and has traveled across the nation to train others to properly utilize the latest innovations. Dr. Kimchy is certified to use therapeutic pharmaceutical agents to treat ocular disease. Dr. Kimchy received her Bachelor of Science degree Magna Cum Laude from the University of Maryland and received her doctorate from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry. Her clinic training included prestigious externships at leading facilities across Florida, Virginia and Maryland where she was immersed in ocular disease management. In addition, she participated in specialized pediatric training at the Eye Institute in Philadelphia. For the past ten years she has been working in medically oriented optometric and ophthalmologic private practices in Manhattan. She is a contributing author for Review of Optometric Business.